
We offer expert advice to help you scale up your projects.

Why Would You Require A Consultation?

A company’s tech stack is the building block that represents the application’s reliability and security. By relying on outdated tools or being developed by an inexperienced or unprofessional team, your app can be a victim of slow performance upon an increase in volume, possess insecure loopholes, and expose vulnerable backdoors to attackers.

Meet The Experts >>

At Telic Solutions, we provide technology-based consultation to deliver you proper assistance and guidelines that can help to scale up your projects. We can help you with designing & developing full stack mobile and web apps using modern services such as Firebase as a back-end. We can leverage our experience by working with enterprise clients to:

  • Identify & resolve issues that result in over-billing.
  • Highlight issues that can overdue projects.
  • Decrease the pain of adding new features to an existing project.
  • Maintain Cloud Firestore and RealTime Database schema.
  • Optimize slow queries.
  • Design, develop, and maintain Angular apps to ensure that your team can be as productive as possible.
  • Provide guidance for hybrid app development with Flutter, Ionic, and Capacitor technologies.
  • Protect confidental data and inject environment variables in a safe & secure manner.
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